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A Story Told by an Olive

The story of St. Ignatius has been told many times, usually with great solemnity as befitting one of the church's great saints. Here's a different...

All Creatures of Our God and King

Just opened a can of (dolphin-safe) tuna and almost drained the can into cute little bowls that I no longer have for cats who...


Today Pope Benedict XVI beatified John Henry Cardinal Newman, one of my heroes.  A formative period in my life was during the 1990-91 academic...

The Rooms of St. Ignatius

Here is a wonderful virtual tour of the rooms of St. Ignatius in Rome.  He lived and worked in these rooms for almost 20...

How to Talk to People

Advice from Ignatius, writing to Jesuits participating in the Council of Trent: Be prudent. "When speaking in any conversation, do not think you...

The What-How-Why of Prayer

Over the last few months we've added much material to the Ignatian Prayer section of Ignatian Spirituality.com.  There's a new page called "The What-How-Why...

How to Live without Fear

William Barry, SJ, one of my favorite spiritual writers, draws on the poetry of Franz Wright and the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous in...

Ignatian Education

Yesterday was the first day of classes at Boston College.  I love this time of year, and I love teaching at a Jesuit school...

“I was a stranger”

I should probably cut myself a break. After all, it has only been six weeks since I moved to Baltimore (aka Charm City and...

Using the Examen to Change

Aaron Pidel, SJ, thinks that this observation in a Times article on self-monitoring is right on the mark.  When we try to change we simply...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon