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Annunciations All the Time

My wife disturbed my Advent bliss a couple of days ago when she showed me a poem. I had been sailing along smoothly, humming...


The most basic spiritual practice is learning silence.  Practicing silence is an act of faith precisely because one cannot know for certain that anything...

Gabriel Is Surprised

Fr. Jim Martin, SJ, notes something unusual in a Renaissance depiction of the Annunciation: Mary is surprised, but the angel Gabriel seems to be...

Advent Retreat: The Fourth Week of Advent

We've arrived at the final week of Advent. If you are following along with our Advent retreat, here is a brief reflection to begin...


Advent is the season when we remind ourselves of what we are waiting for, keeping at bay the voices which tell us that our...

Releasing Our Captives

I like Phil Fox's Rose's column on practical spirituality on BustedHalo.com.  Recently he wrote an article about the Examen in which he quoted this...

Prayer on the Run

I can pray as I bake this pie peeling the apples rolling the dough sprinkling the sugar making it right. This is my work of love, Lord. Bless the ones...

Advent Retreat: The Third Week of Advent

Welcome to the Third Week of Advent! As we continue our Advent retreat, here's a brief reflection to start your week. Please share your...

The Pronoun “God”

The word "God" is a pronoun whose antecedent we do not know. When we are struck by beauty, when it lays claim to our attention...

Mary with a Russian Flavor

Today is the feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary.  It's the feast day of my parish, St. Mary Student Parish in Ann Arbor,...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon