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Facebook 10,000!

Yesterday the Ignatian Spirituality page on Facebook passed a milestone when it received its 10,000th "like."  That's a nice big round number--something to celebrate. ...

Of Gods and Men

Yesterday I accompanied a group of 50 Boston College students to see the film Of Gods and Men (Des Hommes et Des Dieux), the...

Lent. Is it over yet?

Lent?  Not a big fan of this season, even though I'm very fond of purple, love soup and rarely pass up opportunities to ponder...

Lunchtime Examen Week 4: Feelings

Our fourth Lunchtime Examen goes online today.  This week's question is "What do our feelings have to do with prayer?" Click on the button...

What We Don’t See

Sometimes we are blind to what is right in front of us. Recently at our parish, we watched two altar servers who had fun...

Lenten Shabbat

Lenten...Shabbat?In my strange little world these words go together just fine, possibly because my Jewish mother was as likely to serve fish as she...

David Fleming, RIP

David Fleming, SJ, a prolific writer and esteemed spiritual director, died on Tuesday in St. Louis.  He was a great popular interpreter of Ignatian...

Lunchtime Examen: What Do I Pray About?

Our third Lunchtime Examen is online today.  This week, in addition to the guided prayer, I talk about how the examen answers the question,...

Screwtape Book Discussion

At America's "In All Things" blog, Bill Van Ornum invites reflection and opinions about C.S. Lewis's fable The Screwtape Letters. He points out the...

The Danger of Excessive Spiritual Practices

St. Ignatius, writing to Jesuits in Portugal, about the problems with spiritual disciplines that he deemed excessive:The first is that God is not really...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon