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St. Thérèse of Lisieux

Loyola Productions has made a DVD featuring Fr. Jim Martin, SJ, talking about twelve of his favorite saints.  It's based, of course, Jim's best-selling...

Young Adult Retreats

A team of young Jesuits will be barnstorming up and down the East Coast this summer giving weekend retreats for young adults.  The team...

It’s a Mitzvah

Seems to me the word "mitzvah" is being used a lot these days. Usually it shows up in exclamations: "It's a mitzvah." Maybe I'm noticing...

Preparing to Pray

Michelle Francl-Donnay on getting ready to pray: In his “Spiritual Exercises,” St. Ignatius of Loyola recommends that we come to the threshold of prayer...

Today’s News . . .

Many years ago, I went on a news fast.  To be more precise, I stopped reading, watching or listening to any and all news...

How to Give Retreats

If you give retreats, or know someone who does, think about going to an intensive workshop on preaching the Ignatian weekend retreat to be...

Prettiest Girl in Town

A while ago I sent this as my first blog posting for dotMagis.  Today there is an update. In December of 2009, I wrote:I...

Becoming a Priest

Video cameras are following Radmar Jao as he prepares to be ordained a priest next month.  Jao is the subject of a video series...

A Scholar’s Faith

The Jesuit theologian Karl Rahner was once asked in a radio interview why some people didn't experience God.  His response: 'I don't believe you;...

Just Havin’ Some Fun

Steve Martin and friends sing the atheist song. (If you can't see the video, click here.)


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon