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Ignatius’s Vision of the Holy

He was short; I'm tall; he grew up in a castle; I grew up on the wrong side of the tracks. He spent years...

Ignatius and the Donkey

During July we'd like to hear from from you about what Ignatius means to you.  To get things started, here are some thoughts about...


Today is July 1, the first day of our celebration of 31 Days with St. Ignatius at IgnatianSpirituality.com.  Go to our calendar and click...

You Are What You Eat

These days I am trying to get my daughters to eat better food than the usual kid fare of mac 'n' cheese, hotdogs, and...

Commentary from the Jesuits

The Jesuits sponsor some impressive websites devoted to commentary on culture and politics.  The busiest is America magazine.  Its blog "In All Things" is...

Holy Imitation

The decisive moment in Ignatius's life came when he realized that he was imitating the wrong person. He realized that imitating the example of...

Reasons to Stay Catholic

At the America magazine blog, Valerie Schultz lists the top ten reasons to stay Catholic.  A couple are whimsical (#5: We put on an...

Conan O'Brien's Commencement Address

Conan O'Brien gave a wonderful commencement address last month at Dartmouth College. He's very funny for the first 17 minutes or so. ...

Sports News: Jesuits Take Clericus Cup

In America, Jesuit schools are famous for their basketball teams.  In Europe, it's soccer.  In Rome this week the Jesuit-run Pontifical Gregorian University defeated...

Asking God for a Sunny Day

Armand Nigro, SJ, urges us to pray for what we want: When we beg God for sunny weather, or pray that our bursitis will go...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon