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Christ Stumbles through Our Streets

Something to think about | I hold that every poor man, every vagrant, every beggar is Christ carrying his cross. And as Christ, we...

World Youth Day

Please keep the pilgrims at World Youth Day (WYD) in your prayers. I am at the Jesuit-run Colegio Nuestra Señora del Recuerdo with hundreds...

“His Divine Majesty Is Truly In All Things”

St. Ignatius, writing about the formation of young Jesuits:They should practice the seeking of God's presence in all things, in their conversations, their walks,...

Doing Too Much

A customary question in a job interview is, “What are your weaknesses?” The customary answer is, “Sometimes I take on too much work,” “I...

A Jesuit Experience

When he was 18, the young Mike Hayes told his pastor that he was going to Fordham for college.  The pastor was horrified and...

What Do You Like about Ignatian Spirituality?

Two things, says Katie, who went on a Charis Ministries retreat a few months ago.  (Click here if you can't see the video.)

More Lay Saints Please

The other day I browsed through Bert Ghezzi's great book Voices of the Saints looking for saints who would inspire kids aged about 10-12--the...

Peter Faber: The Second Jesuit

Tuesday was the Feast of Peter Faber (Favre), SJ, sometimes called "the second Jesuit" because he was especially close to Ignatius when the order was...

Appreciating the Jesuit Constitutions

The Spiritual Exercises are the heart of Ignatian spirituality, but John Coleman, SJ, thinks that the Jesuit Constitutions are important too.  Ignatius spent fifteen...

St. Ignatius Day

Sunday is the big day--the feast of St. Ignatius.  I decided to end our month-long IgnatiusFest by posting my favorite Ignatius video.  The amazing...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon