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An Ignatian Pilgrimage

A group of lay people and Jesuits have set up a new pilgrimage route in Spain that should appeal to walkers and cyclists with...

JRS Advocates for Refugees

I greatly admire the work of the Jesuit Refugee Service, an organization established by Pedro Arrupe, SJ in 1980 to serve and defend the...

What Ignatius Would Say to Lay Persons

Human life has meaning. We are not aimless beings, without a goal or purpose. We have been created by a God who loves us....

Refrigerator Reminders

No kid stuff to plaster all over my refrigerator with fruit magnets, just stuff that has captured my attention. Mostly images, snippets of scripture,...

Jesus the Layman

In his forthcoming book Catholicism, Fr. Robert Barron makes the passing observation that Jesus was a layman: he was not trained in one of...

Forgetting to Remember

Today's jolt arrived mid-afternoon when I hauled out a (paper!) calendar to jot something down. The square for September 1st remained unadorned by red...

The Powers in Created Things

This prayer by the Jesuit saint Robert Bellarmine puts a new spin on finding God on all things:What various powers lie hidden in plants!...

Pray for Those Who Persecute You

Walter Ciszek, SJ, spent fifteen years in prison in the Soviet Union for doing clandestine missionary work.  He describes his prayer:"Gradually too, I learned...

Unwritten Rules

Recently, tempers flared in a close game between the Detroit Tigers and the Los Angeles Angels. The Angel pitcher got mad at a Tiger...

A Hero’s Jesuit Son

Church historian Pat McNamara has written a fascinating account of the life of Thomas Ewing Sherman, SJ, an American Jesuit in the late nineteenth...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon