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Giving Thanks

We are all living the unlived lives of our parents and our culture.In Anna Karenina, Tolstoy writes, "All happy families are alike; each unhappy...

Day's Letter to an Agnostic

Dorothy Day's 1934 Letter to an Agnostic is republished in this week's America Magazine. In it, she writes about her own struggles with belief and...

Martha at Rest

When we hear the story of Martha and Mary, the sisters who were such close friends of Jesus', we most likely know which one...

Are Jesuit Hoops the Strongest?

With powerful programs such as Georgetown, Gonzaga, Xavier, Creighton, and Marquette, Jesuit basketball is surely the strongest among religious-affiliated Division I schools.  Or is...

You Spot it, You Got It

Recently I read a column in a Catholic publication that was about an important and controversial topic. Yet it was so full of...

Prayer of All Things

"The earth is the only road that can lead us to heaven. There is no other. And the earth is not an idea, an...

Some Definite Service

I've already mentioned The Ignatian Adventure by Kevin O'Brien, SJ. Sprinkled throughout are prayers and poems. I really liked this one from John Henry Cardinal...

Why Edgar Allen Poe Liked the Jesuits

Church historian Pat McNamara writes about how the Jesuits at St. John's College (later Fordham University) befriended Edgar Allen Poe in the last years...

Losing One’s Life

Luis Espinal, SJ, is a Jesuit hero I hadn't heard about.  He was a Spanish Jesuit who worked for social justice in Bolivia.  He...

A Good Camino

I went to see the new movie The Way this week, and I can warmly recommend it. It's one of those movies that causes...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon