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Fictitious Priests

If you like to read novels about priests, Doris Donnelly of John Carroll University has six suggestions. My book group has read four of the...

An Arrupe Anniversary

Sunday is the anniversary of the death of Pedro Arrupe, SJ, superior general of the Jesuits from 1965-83.  He was a charismatic man who...

Xavier Statue

Late last year, Xavier University in Cincinnati unveiled a new statue of its patron, St. Francis Xavier. The sculptor, Tom Tsuchiya, worked on it...

Literary Pilgrimages

Some years ago I saw a manuscript in the British Library that is thought to have been written by Shakespeare himself in his own...

In Spite of Darkness

"In Spite of Darkness" is an award-winning documentary about an interfaith retreat at the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camps in Poland, where more than 1 ...

Thin Places

William Barry, SJ, in his book, A Friendship Like No Other, invites us to be aware of our “thin places,” those moments where we...

Welcome to the Jesuit Post

A bunch of young Jesuits launched a new website yesterday called The Jesuit Post.  Content will range very widely indeed.  The first batch of...

Remembering Miguel Pro

A volunteer searching through the archives of the New Orleans Province of the Jesuits recently discovered a rare photo of Blessed Miguel Pro, SJ,...

Mark Wahlberg's Prayers

The actor Mark Wahlberg plays tough guys in movies like The Departed, The Fighter, and Contraband. He's a tough guy in real life too. ...

Scorsese’s Next Film?

There have been rumblings about director Martin Scorsese making a film of Shusaku Endo's magnificent historical novel Silence, about Japanese martyrs of the 17th...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon