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Some Other Ideas for Lent

The Lent-Easter Ignatian Prayer Adventure online retreat started yesterday, but you can join in any time.  Take a look. I thought I'd mention a couple...

Our Essential Nature

Christian spirituality in general and Ignatian spirituality in particular operate from an overarching assumption. We believe that humanity has inherent purpose. That purpose fueled our...

An Ignatian Prayer Adventure Begins

We begin An Ignatian Prayer Adventure this week. Watch the video below for my introduction to the retreat. In order to respond to God's...

An Ignatian Prayer Adventure Begins

An Ignatian Prayer Adventure begins today. Our focus for this first week of the retreat is “Love, Freedom, and Purpose.” We'll consider questions such...

Retreat Starts on Sunday

On Sunday the Ignatian Prayer Adventure retreat begins here on IgnatianSpirituality.com. I hope you take a look at it and consider following it through...

Discovering the Examen

A suggestion for Lent: learn to pray the examen.  Yesterday we read about a Jesuit nurse who finds God's presence in an emergency room...

Finding God in the Trauma Center

Jason Brauninger, SJ, is a nurse who works in the Trauma Center at a Denver hospital. It's a place where you hear announcements like “Pediatric...

Social Media Blog-alogue: First Question

Meredith,I'm inspired by your passionate interest in social media, and I'm looking forward to learning about it.  We'll be doing this blog-alogue periodically over...

Fruits of the Spirit

I cannot help but smile as I remember a conversation I had with Abby on the way home from preschool the other day. Me: What...

For Lent, Try An Ignatian Prayer Adventure (Online Retreat)

What are you doing for Lent? Am I the first to ask?  Ash Wednesday is only two weeks from today--a date I've been keenly aware...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon