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Invitation to Be Bold

In January 2023, the Lord invited me to hope. At the time, I faced a long journey ahead of rebuilding myself, body and soul,...

Word for the New Year: Love

As we begin a new year, I pray, as I do every year, for God to reveal to me something he’d like me to...

10 Ways to Begin Well

Rather than compose elaborate resolutions for the year to come, simply do, in some small way, what you intend to do all year: Say...

To Individuals Who Are in Pain or Suffering

Fr. Kevin O’Brien, SJ, encourages those who are in pain or suffering with a brief video message. He says, “It’s part of being human,...

Spiritual Exercises with Children

Pastoral minister Dr. Andy Kereky leads retreats for children based on the Spiritual Exercises. He talks about his experience with Joe Paprocki in an...

Merry Christmas

On this Christmas Day, enjoy “The Huron Carol,” written by the Jesuit martyr St. Jean de Brébeuf. He wrote it in the language of...

Audacious Ignatius Game and Activity Sheets

Take some time to explore the story of St. Ignatius with the children in your life. Written by Paul Mitchell and illustrated by Katie Broussard,...

Where Is It You Don’t Want to Go?

Consolation is sometimes painful. On the surface, we fun-seeking humans will do lots of things that are not of God to avoid feeling bad, to...

To Individuals Who Are Struggling to Make a Big Decision

Fr. Kevin O’Brien, SJ, encourages those who do not know how to make a big decision to learn about Ignatian discernment. “The great thing...

Set Free

This story is inspired by Luke 13:10–17. Eighteen years is a lifetime. Mercilessly, the crippling spirit worked me over, a little at a time. It...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon