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My Life with the Jedi Giveaway

Today we begin a 15th anniversary party for IgnatianSpirituality.com, and we’re celebrating with 15 Gifts to Celebrate 15 Years! Read the details here. Our celebration...

When the Poem Comes to Life

In the woods of central Maryland there sits an unassuming chair. It’s big, thick, and old. It’s set in its place, with wooden legs...

Continuing Friendship in the Easter Season

I have a confession to make. I tend to forget about Jesus around a week or so into the Easter season each year. It is...

Joy Leads to Our Next Steps

This post is based on Week Eight of An Ignatian Prayer Adventure. In the Fourth Week of the Spiritual Exercises, we reflect on the Resurrection...

Allowing God to Work Through Ignatian Contemplation

In his book, The Ignatian Adventure, Kevin O’Brien, SJ, says that contemplation, in the Ignatian sense, “is more about feeling than thinking. Contemplation often...

Assuming Failure

For all the healing and hope Jesus had brought to perhaps thousands of people, there was no sign by this time that he had...

Accompaniment and Compassion

This post is based on Week Seven of An Ignatian Prayer Adventure. In the Third Week of the Spiritual Exercises, we meditate on the Passion...

On Retreat with Pope Francis: A Webinar with Austen Ivereigh

What would it be like to go on a retreat given by Pope Francis? Author and papal biographer Austen Ivereigh offers the next best...

Jesus Meets His Mother on the Way to the Crucifixion

Enjoy this video interpretation of an excerpt from The Life of Jesus by Andrea Tornielli, and imagine what it would have been like for...

Meditation on Two Standards

This post is based on Week Five of An Ignatian Prayer Adventure. Fr. Kevin O’Brien, SJ, introduces the Meditation on Two Standards from the Spiritual...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon