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Just One of Those Things

“It’s just one of those things,” my grandma used to say all the time. It meant that she heard, but she had no helpful...

Sense Experience in Prayer

My dog is watchful at the window a good part of the day. He is a mix of German Shepherd and Catahoula Leopard Dog,...

Pentecost’s Quiet Whisper

During this Easter season, I attended a conference of Mission Formation Officers in the Jesuit Schools Network; I was on the organizing committee. As...

Fr. Greg Boyle Receives Presidential Medal of Freedom

Congratulations to Fr. Greg Boyle, SJ, author of Forgive Everyone Everything, on receiving the Presidential Medal of Freedom for his work at Homeboy Industries!...

Apostolic Joy

A friend of mine recently converted to Catholicism. Like me, she was once a card-carrying Protestant. “What made you convert?” I asked, knowing for...

Celebrating Star Wars Day

I didn’t grow up celebrating Star Wars Day—mostly because it didn’t exist as an organized holiday until I was an adult. May the 4th...

Conversing with Mary Through Colloquy

There is a wonderful gem hidden within the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius that has been a grace-filled gift to my prayer life. Early...

Anima Christi Activities

In honor of the 15th anniversary of IgnatianSpirituality.com, we’re celebrating with 15 Gifts to Celebrate 15 Years! Read the details here. Gift 2 is...

I See You

Can we learn a thing or two about connection from people in other countries? My recent experience in South Africa suggests we can. South...

Going Behind What Appears

Fr. Arturo Sosa, SJ, Superior General of the Society of Jesus, says, “Discernment is to learn to go behind what appears. It’s going beyond...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon