I watch Your branches dance,
bathed in morning sun,
and wonder at the work
of Spirit’s breath
between the leaves;
what You have begun
You will fulfill,
and we who wait
so deep in peace
can feel so close
the heart’s caress,
Your touch in us to be disguised,
and go to make the day begin / be done in You,
breathing / breathed on Spirit’s breath,
branches asked to dance.
Come Dance with Me
Come dance with Me.
But Lord, there is no music.
Just dance with Me.
I am guiding you.
I am guiding you,
and you may know
nothing about it.
You don’t have to
hear the music
or know the steps.
Just follow Me.
You are like light
which enters a room
and transforms it.
You have no idea
how much good
you are accomplishing
by dancing with Me.