Come to the Table has undergone many changes over the years. Me too.
As an adult convert from Judaism, I became acutely aware of the hunger I witnessed among Christians to connect more – and more authentically – with Jewish heritage. As you might imagine, I’m often asked, “Why did you become a Christian?” I did not anticipate how frequently I’d be asked to teach and write more about the Jewish roots of Christian…everything.
Realizing that parishes already were and would continue offering a seder experience during Lent, I felt compelled (Veni, Sancte Spiritus!) to create one that I, someone raised Jewish, could endorse. Believing strongly it would be totally inappropriate to replicate a Jewish seder, I created one that draws upon core Christian concepts and scripture to enhance appreciation for the Last Supper as a Last Seder.
In addition to a liturgy, I provided commentary (in footnotes) about the long and often grievous history of Christian-Jewish relations. I wrote about preparing the heart as well as preparing the table. I was happy with the first edition, written specifically for use by Roman Catholic Christians. Indeed, it has been used by many parishes and I treasure notes I’ve received over the years.
Change happens. As a practical matter, some instructions needed clarification. Some users asked if they could simply photocopy the liturgy! Also, I could not ignore how changes to the Roman Missal would create “huh?” moments in my own text.
More important, my ongoing formation has sparked a deeper yearning to reach out to Christians beyond my Roman Catholic sisters and brothers, something I do in part by serving as abbess of @virtual_abbey. As a result, the second edition has been revised for easy use by any liturgical church whose Holy Week observances would be enhanced by a seder.
For Jews, Passover is a holiday commemorating liberation from bondage as well as God’s faithfulness. My hope is that the new edition of Come to the Table deepens users’ appreciation of Judaism and serves as a reminder that Jesus invited everyone to the table. Thanks be to God.