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Ignatian Wisdom for Troubled Times

What might St. Ignatius give us as advice in these times of COVID-19? Nikolaas Sintobin, SJ, in the voice of St. Ignatius, shares four tips...

Coronavirus Response Examen and Lesson

Acknowledge how you are feeling in this moment. If being calm is hard, acknowledge it. If you find yourself frustrated or stressed, acknowledge it....

Finding God in the Mess Lenten Read-Along: Lives of Joy

To live lives of joy is not to depend on happiness or temporary experiences. It is to seek out the better path and walk...

Finding God in the Mess Lenten Read-Along: Irrepressible Mystery

Life itself is a mystery. And a glorious one at that! How did we get here? What is life all about? Wonderful mysteries! Perhaps in...

Finding God in the Mess Lenten Read-Along: Within the Heart

What occurs in the blood within the heart is so similar to what occurs in our lives. Just like blood, we can become in...

Announcing Our Lenten Read-Along

Plan now to join a special Lenten read-along with Loyola Press. We’ll be reading Finding God in the Mess: Meditations for Mindful Living at...

Four Weekend Ways to Find God

At the start of each week, we invite our Ignatian Spirituality Facebook community to share where they have encountered God in the weekend days....

Five Encounters with God in the Unexpected

We asked our Ignatian Spirituality Facebook community to share with us where they found God in an unexpected place. We highlight some of the...

Make Today Matter Blog Hop

How can small things done every day change us for the better and make the world better too? Author and leadership speaker Chris Lowney...

A Spiritual Way of Proceeding

The Jesuit Institute South Africa produced a two-minute video introduction to Ignatian spirituality. David Fleming, SJ, is quoted in the video as saying Ignatian...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon