

Bring Back a Wonderful Memory

Spend time with one of your most cherished memories. It could be a recent memory or one from long ago. It could recall a...

How Jesus Responds to Suffering

Perhaps you’ve participated in a Stations of the Cross service this Lent. This devotion is well-suited to an Ignatian approach, as Gary Jansen suggests....

Christ Has No Body Now but Yours

Ignatian spirituality focuses on God at work in our world now. We try to unite ourselves with God by working with God to save...

Learning from Our Elders as Mentors

In her post, “Five Tips for Beating Loneliness from St. Ignatius,” Rebecca Ruiz quotes Mark Thibodeaux, SJ, on the need for “good mentors, good...

Praying for Artists

Each month the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network releases a prayer video with a special intention the Holy Father asks us to remember. For August...

A Spiritual Way of Proceeding

The Jesuit Institute South Africa produced a two-minute video introduction to Ignatian spirituality. David Fleming, SJ, is quoted in the video as saying Ignatian...

Lay It Out Before God

Scott Santarosa, SJ, talks about prayer in a short video produced by the Society of Jesus. He says: When things are getting rough or busy,...

Appreciating Emmaus

There’s much to appreciate in the story of the disciples on the way to Emmaus, says Michael Sparough, SJ. For one: It’s in looking back...

Why Ignatian Spirituality Appeals to Young People

Editor’s note: Tim Muldoon, theologian, professor, and Ignatian author, is being honored with the Writer’s Award in Spirituality from the Loyola Institute for Spirituality....

Were You There?

To help us when contemplating the Passion of Christ, St. Ignatius Loyola “invites us to enter into this scene imaginatively, to place ourselves in...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon