HomeSt. Ignatius Loyola

St. Ignatius Loyola

Ignatius Week Is Ending

Get in on the fun before our week of celebration ends tomorrow with St. Ignatius's feast day.  Check out the goings on at Find...

Find Your Inner Iggy

This is a week of celebration--the week leading up to St. Ignatius's Feast on July 31--the Ignatian version of Mardi Gras, Fasching, Carnival, Oktoberfest,...

On the Camino: Knee Trouble

About a year ago my mother told me about a yard sign she had seen: "Want to make God laugh? Tell Him your plans." I...

What Would You Say if St. Ignatius Came to Visit?

What would my encounter be like with a man whose very life, core beliefs, and legacy are an enormous part of my life today? What...

On the Camino: Where it All Began

On Saturday we arrived in Loyola at about 3pm. We quickly settled into our room and decided to take a tour of the Loyola...

On the Plane to Pilgrimage

As I sit here toward the back of the US Airways jet headed from Philadelphia to Brussels, it seems like a good time to...

Work as if Everything Depends on God

There's an old saying that we should “pray as if everything depends on God, and work as if everything depends on you.” It's been...

St. Ignatius and Memory

This is a guest post by Dawn Eden, author and blogger at The Dawn Patrol. In St. Ignatius Loyola's Suscipe, the prayer for perfect charity...

Was Ignatius a Trauma Survivor?

Every time the story of Ignatius Loyola is told, the teller of the tale mentions that he was a soldier and that he was...

Teach Me to Be Generous

A while back, I felt deflated when I discovered that the wonderful Prayer of St. Francis ("Lord, make me an instrument of your peace")...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon