HomeSt. Ignatius Loyola

St. Ignatius Loyola

How Ignatius Recovered from Depression

Many people suffer episodes of depression. Ignatius Loyola was one of them, according to Joseph Munitiz, SJ, and we would do well to study...

What I Like about Ignatius

Some readers entering our book contest wrote about how St. Ignatius has inspired them.  Here are some excerpts from these comments.  (Go here to...

Celebrating Ignatius

It's July, the month of high summer (in the Northern Hemisphere) and the month of St. Ignatius Loyola, whose spiritual ideas we celebrate here...

Links for the Weekend

The Wall Street Journal admires the Cristo Rey network of schools. A blog you should check out: Days of Deepening Friendship.  They're discussing Tim Muldoon's...

St. Ignatius and Psychology

A psychologist named William van Ornum will be writing regularly on America Magazine's "In All Things" blog about the intersection of Christian faith and...

Ignatius and Xavier

Today is the anniversary of the canonization of Ignatius Loyola and Francis Xavier in 1622. Teresa of Avila and Philip Neri were also canonized...

War and Games

Consider this my "overthinking the Super Bowl" post.  (Wait till I get to the Olympics!) First things first: I've always loved sports, and I've always...

God Is Acting

I'm three weeks into a new semester of teaching a course on Ignatian Spirituality at Boston College. It's an absolute delight, both for the...

Faith and Action

Ignatian spirituality owes a great debt to Aristotle. Not a surprise, really--Ignatius absorbed the theology of Thomas Aquinas, who imbibed the philosophy of Aristotle...

Jesuits as Soldiers

It's a common misconception that Ignatius Loyola set up the Jesuits along military lines, with a warlike outlook, a rigid chain of command, and...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon