

Thin Places

William Barry, SJ, in his book, A Friendship Like No Other, invites us to be aware of our “thin places,” those moments where we...

What Is Ignatian Spirituality?

Many people want to know, and it's not an easy question to answer.  Here are some things that help.  The late David Fleming, SJ,...

Words and Thoughts

As I enter into an annual silent retreat with students, I am mindful of how great is the gift of silence.  We think too...

Jesus in the Checkout Line

Michael Leach, author of Why Stay Catholic, offers five ways to remember the truth "that we all wear the face of Christ in a...

How Does Hope Shape Us?

A driving dynamic of Advent is hope. If we had nothing to hope for, there would be no point to this season. The original...

Brackley on Falling in Love

Dean Brackley, the late Jesuit educator who spent many years teaching in El Salvador, wrote a beautiful meditation on what it feels like to...

Day's Letter to an Agnostic

Dorothy Day's 1934 Letter to an Agnostic is republished in this week's America Magazine. In it, she writes about her own struggles with belief and...

Do Not Delay

The last straw which led to Saint Augustine's conversion to Christianity was the voice of a child, playing a game in which he chanted...

What Ignatius Would Say to Lay Persons

Human life has meaning. We are not aimless beings, without a goal or purpose. We have been created by a God who loves us....

Jesus the Layman

In his forthcoming book Catholicism, Fr. Robert Barron makes the passing observation that Jesus was a layman: he was not trained in one of...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon