

Cura Personalis

Little is written about the Ignatian-Jesuit characteristic of cura personalis, which is Latin for “care for the whole person.” Cura personalis comes down to...

Little Things

Andy Otto writes about noticing, awareness, the details--the key to discernment and deeper prayer.  (A fine movie clip illustrates his point.) Detail in life is...

Join Us for 31 Days with St. Ignatius 2013

Monday is July 1, so that means we're kicking off our fourth annual 31 Days with St. Ignatius. This month-long celebration of Ignatian spirituality...

It's Never Too Late

I thought I'd draw attention to a recent comment to an old post.  Carol is recovering from spinal surgery.  Retirement beckons.  In her daily...

The Problem with Indifference

Brian Busse, SJ, says that our desires will save us. "It is in our deepest desires that we discover the heart of God." Apathy toward...

Fr. Nicolás on Personal Change

Jesuit Superior General Adolfo Nicolás says that Ignatian spirituality offers a path to personal change that can lead to social change.  “If people don't change,...

Journeying Is an Art

Speaking to students of Jesuit schools, Pope Francis responded to a student who expressed doubts about belief. “Journeying is an art because, if we're always...

Mad Men’s Lesson on Ignatian Awareness

Ignatian spirituality seems to be all about looking. We look for God in the ordinary, in our feelings, in the people and things around...

Ignatius's Balance

America magazine has republished a classic article by the late Cardinal Avery Dulles, SJ, that makes an intriguing argument. Dulles says that two tendencies...

Longing for a Shorter Ride

I pushed a double stroller and followed Batman and a ballerina on their training bikes today. The course is tricky for a training bike, because...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon