

Self-Awareness: The Oxygen of the Spiritual Life

In one of my recent classes I mentioned the term “self-awareness” and discovered that most of my students did not know what it meant....

Support Networks

A popular series of cell-phone commercials boasted the strength of network coverage by showing a huge crowd of people following close behind the customer...

Saturday Link for 31 Days with St. Ignatius

The end of July nears, but we still have more Ignatian celebration before St. Ignatius’s feast day on July 31. Today in 31 Days...

Encountering God through the Interior Senses

In my interactions with students at Boston College, where I teach and live with freshmen, I often speak to them about the need for...

Sight Is the Seed of Contemplation

The Examen begins with an awareness of God’s presence, imagining God gazing upon us with love. It’s this gaze that taps us into the...

Sunday Link for 31 Days with St. Ignatius

We begin our first full week of 31 Days with St. Ignatius with this featured link: Why Bother Praying the Examen? by Cara Callbeck. Share your...

What’s the Most Important Thing about Ignatian Spirituality?

Fr. Bill Creed, founder of the Ignatian Spirituality Project, answers What’s the most important thing to know about Ignatian spirituality?If you’re receiving this via...

Grateful for the Challenges

At the Integrated Catholic Life, Randy Hain writes “On Being Grateful for My Challenges.” He shares a realization: As I drove away it hit me:...

Disney’s Lesson for Finding the Hidden Christ

Among my family’s summer vacation plans is a trip to Disney World to celebrate our new college graduate. While it has been more than...

Joy in the Labor

But one doesn’t expect to get out of life what one has already learned that it cannot give, but rather one begins to see...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon