

Praying with Creation

Sometimes we fail to see that an entire created world can lead us to prayer. We don’t need to look far for it, because...

Simple Prayers

Sometimes we try too hard at prayer. We make it complicated. We load it down with expectations. If I pray really well, then I...

Prayer and Rest

So often, summer vacation becomes busier than any other part of the year. We’re trying to fit in trips and visits and host people...

A Prayerful Environment

It’s summertime, and for many of us, summer means time at a beach somewhere. What a great place to pray! What a perfect place...

Summer Pilgrimage

We’ve talked about walking prayer. We can take walking prayer further and make a pilgrimage. Actually, summer could be an ideal time for pilgrimage...

Five Lessons in Summer Camp Spirituality

Walking past a group of day campers on my way to work, I was inspired to consider some thoughts that I’ve deemed Summer Camp...

Grounded Prayer

I think that sometimes we make prayer difficult because we separate it from what is concrete in daily life. We develop the attitude that...

The Attitude We Should Have

As a preface to his declaration about the Incarnation in Philippians, St. Paul said, “The attitude you should have is the one that Christ...

When We Can’t Have What We Want

You’d think that people of faith would know how to deal with basic disappointments. We have been trained to think in the long-term and...

Five Ways to Create a Good Space for Prayer

Taking inventory of the various spaces in your life probably gave you some ideas—it may have inspired you, which is good, because now you’re...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon