HomedotMagisSpiritual Exercises

Spiritual Exercises

The Spiritual Exercises and Wall Street

Chris Lowney is a former Jesuit, former J.P. Morgan investment banker, and currently full-time speaker and author.  He recently gave a talk at Fordham...

Virtue and the Spiritual Exercises

There's long been a discussion among spiritual directors about the purpose of the Spiritual Exercises. Is the goal to help people make important decisions,...

O'Malley on the Spiritual Exercises

John O'Malley, SJ, is the featured speaker in the first of a series of videos on the Spiritual Exercises produced by Georgetown University.  The...

Pray with Jesuits for Lent

Ash Wednesday was only yesterday, so it's not too late to start a Lenten prayer program.  We suggested several last week.  Here are two...

Spiritual Exercises for the Young

Nathan Stone, SJ, makes a strong case for giving the Spiritual Exercises to young people.  He thinks that veteran spiritual directors are too  cautious...

Sexuality and Ignatian Spirituality

Tim Muldoon, who blogs here at dotMagis, has published an excellent article on sexuality and Ignatian spirituality in The Way, a journal published by...

Bodies, Beauty, and the Grace of the First Week

Sticking with the theme of new year's resolutions, I've been thinking about a common one: getting fit. It struck me yesterday, while watching a Boston...

The Spiritual Exercises and Ignatian Work

Maureen Waldron of Creighton University thinks that Jesuits should make special efforts to expand the ministry of the Spiritual Exercises to include the lay...


I'm not one to make new year's resolutions, but because my calendar now says 2010 I can't help but think a little about them. I...

Christmas Pageant

Two nights ago I witnessed an annual event which has become one of my favorite events of the entire year: the Christmas pageant at...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon