HomedotMagisSpiritual Exercises

Spiritual Exercises

For Lent, Try An Ignatian Prayer Adventure (Online Retreat)

What are you doing for Lent? Am I the first to ask?  Ash Wednesday is only two weeks from today--a date I've been keenly aware...

Ignatian Adventure

Anyone interested in the Spiritual Exercises should read Fr. Kevin O'Brien's book The Ignatian Adventure. He talks about why he wrote the book in...

Stay Away from Motives

Here's some good advice from Anthony Lusvardi, SJ, writing on the the Whosoever Desires blog: Stay away from motives.  If you find yourself attacking ...

The Ignatian Adventure

The great river of Ignatian spirituality flows from The Spiritual Exercises, the guided conversion experience developed by St. Ignatius Loyola.  Most of the time...

The Fruit of Desolation

Years ago, Austen Ivereigh, executive editor of The Tablet made a 30-day Spiritual Exercises retreat when he was a Jesuit novice.  He spent most...

The Spiritual Exercises and the 12 Steps

Fr. Edward Dowling, SJ,  a friend of Bill Wilson, the founder of Alcoholics Anonymous, was convinced that the Spiritual Exercises influenced the 12 Steps...

Saving the World

Something to think about | Much of the reflection in the Exercises is geared to an effort to share the vision of Jesus and...

Make an Online Retreat

If you would like to make a retreat, but can't get away for a weekend at a Jesuit retreat house, take a look at...

A Judge for the Spiritual Exercises

The Spiritual Exercises were originally given in a month-long retreat of about 30 days. Today, the most common way to make the Exercises is...

Desire and the Church

During this week of Pentecost I have been thinking about the Church as an institution, a community launched by Christ and gifted with the...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon