HomeSomething to Think About

Something to Think About

A Spirituality of Orality

Nearly 25 years ago, the Jesuit scholar of language Walter J. Ong wrote a seminal work on the difference between spoken and written language, and how...

Events Through a Camera

Shemaiah Gonzalez’s children were in a performance after a week of theater camp. She writes: I arrived early and got a seat on aisle so...

Four Ways to Rest This Summer

Summer is here (or almost, depending on your counting). I confess to over-planning at the beginning of summer because the weather’s right and I feel...

Five Reasons Not to Dismiss Halloween

Whether or not you have children, it’s hard to escape the Halloween decorations and festivities this time of year. Here are my thoughts on...

The Virtue in Playing Games

When was the last time you played cards or a board game, just for the fun of it? Matthew, who blogs as the Mountain...

Grace Requires Effort

Something to think about | The infinite vistas of the Kingdom of God that open up before man are not presented as ways for...

Everything Is Changed

Something to think about | When a man feels condemned, his creativity and his power to love, his joy in life as well as...

Christ Stumbles through Our Streets

Something to think about | I hold that every poor man, every vagrant, every beggar is Christ carrying his cross. And as Christ, we...

Saving the World

Something to think about | Much of the reflection in the Exercises is geared to an effort to share the vision of Jesus and...

Attention, Reverence, and Devotion

Something to think about | In what I believe to be the best, most succinct description of how to live a life attuned...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon