

I Saw You Today

On Sundays we ask our Ignatian Spirituality Facebook community where they have found God during the week. Gary Thomas shares his response: As I rode...

Living “Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam”

I remember the summer my father received his personalized “AMDG” license plates. He was so excited. A second-generation Jesuit grad, my dad is all...

May the God of Surprises Delight You

May the God of Surprises delight you, inviting you to accept gifts not yet imagined. May the God of Transformation call you, opening you to...

God Came to Tea

God came and sat down with me. I asked God to tea. God sat there in the kitchen and smiled at me. But I stumbled and...

Encountering God in the Unexpected

We asked a few readers to share with us where they encountered God in the unexpected. Today and tomorrow we highlight their responses. I Found...

Praying with Poetry

Explore Faith suggests a process for praying with poetry. Several poems are on the site, but the method will work with any poem. Here’s...

The Red Machine on the Wall

Greg Kennedy, SJ, shared an Advent poem on the igNation blog. Here's a taste. We've all taken numbers from the red machine on the wall. Above, red...

What Tears Mean

Every once in a while a great writer describes an experience that you know is universal and is nearly beyond words.  This short reading...

Who the Meek Are Not

Mary Karr is an Ignatian-influenced former atheist, recovering alcoholic, and one my favorite poets.  I've written about her before.  This poem is entitled "Who the...

John O’Donohue on Noticing

I hadn't known about the priest-poet John O'Donohue until I read this post by Michelle Francl-Donnay.  The poem "A Blessing for One Who is...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon