

The Pope's Coat of Arms

Several details of Pope Francis's coat of arms pay homage to his Jesuit roots.  The sunburst symbol of the Society of Jesus is prominently...

First Jesuit Pope

The installation Mass for Pope Francis will be on March 19, 2013. Enjoy this links round-up of blog posts and media clips related to...

Finding God in Pop Culture

Jake Martin, SJ, author of What's So Funny about Faith?, shares how we can find God in pop culture.

How Do Comedians Help Souls?

St. Ignatius founded the Society of Jesus with a goal to help souls, and that's still a core value for Jesuits. But how can...

More on Dave Brubeck

Last month in a post about the late Dave Brubeck, I mentioned that the great jazz pianist and composer had become a Catholic shortly...

Dave Brubeck, RIP

The jazz composer and pianist Dave Brubeck, who died yesterday, was intensely interested in spiritual things.  He said once that “something should be done musically...

The Case for Dorothy Day

At first the idea of Dorothy Day being proclaimed a saint seemed unlikely to say the least. She was a leftist, a pacifist, a...

Walter Ciszek's Commitment

Last spring, the Vatican opened the canonization process for Walter Ciszek, SJ, the American Jesuit who spent 23 years as a prisoner in the...

Avoid Jargon

Here's timely advice for Ignatian "insiders" from Fr. Adolfo Nicolás, SJ, superior general of the Jesuits.  Avoid jargon.  Speak clearly and simply.  He uses the...

Don Doll's Photography

The New York Times Lens blog recently featured the photography of Don Doll, SJ.  It published a selection of 20 of his photos of Native American...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon