Aleteia recently profiled “The Jesuit Who Invented Hypertext,” Father Roberto Busa. While Ted Nelson and other names are more commonly listed as the inventors...
Maria Antonia de Paz Figueroa, better known as “Mama Antula,” was beatified in Argentina August 27, 2016. The 18th-century laywoman spread the Spiritual Exercises...
Religion & Ethics Newsweekly recently released a piece on Mother Teresa and Sainthood, featuring comments from Sister Mangala of the Missionaries of Charity; Jim...
In a TEDx talk at Fordham University, doctoral candidate Paul Schutz talks about Ignatian spirituality and mindfulness in the thought of Karl Rahner, SJ....
The triennial Ignatian Spirituality Conference was held at Saint Louis University July 16–19, 2015. We asked some of the participants to share their takeaways...
Elisabetta Piqué, author of the biography Pope Francis: Life and Revolution, spent a rainy afternoon with Pope Francis in an exclusive interview for La...