

A Personal Look at Pope Francis

Elisabetta Piqué— internationally respected journalist and friend of Pope Francis—was interviewed by ABC’s Bob Woodruff recently. Piqué wrote the new book Pope Francis: Life...

Fourth of July

We are thankful to have a worldwide readership for dotMagis, but today those of us in the U.S.A. pause to celebrate the Fourth of...

Retreat Starts Tomorrow and Other Lenten Notes

An Ignatian Prayer Adventure starts tomorrow! While you can make this online retreat at any time, beginning tomorrow (March 2, 2014) will provide you...

Film and Faith

In advance of the Academy Awards, Loyola Press is celebrating Film and Faith. One of the articles in the week-long series finds film critic...

Sherlock Holmes and Bernard Lonergan

After watching Sherlock and Elementary, two current television depictions of the famed detective Sherlock Holmes, Adam Hincks, SJ, states: In many ways, Sherlock Holmes’s methods...

Pre-Prans with Ruthie

Looking for a tasty fall snack or autumn beverage? This episode of Pre-Prans with Ruthie, the Ignatian cooking show, has some ideas. Host Ruthie Blacksea...

INN Releases iPhone, iPad App

The Ignatian News Network (INN) has released a free app for Apple mobile devices that showcases its best videos and blog feeds. INN creates...

What They're Saying about Pope Francis

Like you, I've been reading a lot of commentary about Pope Francis in the past week.  I thought I'd pass along four pieces that...

Primo Tweet del Papa

Last week Pope Benedict sent his first tweet using his account @pontifex.  A video of the event is making the rounds, and it struck...

Advent Video Series

This Advent, enjoy our upcoming video reflection series. Each Sunday, starting December 2, 2012, we'll post a video reflection to help you in your...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon