HomeJesuit/Ignatian Ministries

Jesuit/Ignatian Ministries

Magis Central America and World Youth Day

We pray this month for young people gathering for World Youth Day in Panama and the Magis Program organized by the Society of Jesus...

World Union of Jesuit Alumni Congress

John Carroll University, in Cleveland, Ohio, will host the 2017 World Union of Jesuit Alumni (WUJA) Congress this summer. The event brings together Jesuit...

Science and the Star of Bethlehem

Br. Guy Consolmagno, SJ, the director of the Vatican Observatory, addresses the question “Can science explain the mystery of the Star of Bethlehem?” in...

MAGIS and World Youth Day: Three Unforgettable Weeks in Poland

Pilgrimages are supposed to bring one closer to God. “You can talk or you can pray while you are on a pilgrimage,” advised one...

Jesuit Experience in Africa and Madagascar

America magazine published an interview with Michael Lewis, SJ, president of the Conference of Jesuit Superiors of Africa and Madagascar (JESAM). Lewis talks about...

Jesuits in Eastern Africa

The Society of Jesus is worldwide. The below video highlights the work of the Jesuits in Eastern Africa in education, spiritual, and social justice...

Magis 2016

Magis is a pre-World Youth Day gathering of young adults from around the world sponsored by the Jesuits. Young adults will travel this July...

A Christmas Hymn

On this Christmas Eve, enjoy “Silent Night” as sung by the Ignatian Schola, a Manhattan-based vocal group. Merry Christmas from all of us at IgnatianSpirituality.com! If...

Jesuits in Haiti

The Jesuits have opened a new novitiate in Haiti, a country that had outlawed Jesuits as recently as the 1980s. Ministry work is with...

Jesuit Refugee Service Works to Provide Education

Jesuit Refugee Service provides an update on their work in providing education: “Education is a key in combating the evil of hatred, violence and war....


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon