HomeJesuit History

Jesuit History

400 Years of Jesuits in Canada

Jesuits arrived in Canada in 1611, and went on to shape significant parts of that nation's history as missionaries, explorers, and educators.  To mark...

An Ignatian Pilgrimage

A group of lay people and Jesuits have set up a new pilgrimage route in Spain that should appeal to walkers and cyclists with...

A Hero’s Jesuit Son

Church historian Pat McNamara has written a fascinating account of the life of Thomas Ewing Sherman, SJ, an American Jesuit in the late nineteenth...

Peter Faber: The Second Jesuit

Tuesday was the Feast of Peter Faber (Favre), SJ, sometimes called "the second Jesuit" because he was especially close to Ignatius when the order was...

Ignatius’s First Followers

Let's take a moment in IgnatiusFest to think about the men who first followed Ignatius.  We wouldn't be here without Ignatius, but we wouldn't...

Remembering Arrupe

I've read much about Pedro Arrupe, the legendary superior general of the Jesuits from 1965-83.  Much of his greatness seems to have resided in...

Best Ignatian Songs: Gabriel’s Oboe

This is the second time  "Gabriel's Oboe" has appeared in our occasional "Best Ignatian Songs" feature.  (The first time is here.)   The occasion is...

Running the Jesuit Numbers

For a a global view of the Society of Jesus, examine The Changing Jesuit Geography, a paper by Thomas P. Gaunt, SJ, executive director...

A Story Told by an Olive

The story of St. Ignatius has been told many times, usually with great solemnity as befitting one of the church's great saints. Here's a different...

The Rooms of St. Ignatius

Here is a wonderful virtual tour of the rooms of St. Ignatius in Rome.  He lived and worked in these rooms for almost 20...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon