HomeIgnatian Prayer

Ignatian Prayer

Letting Go Through Prayer

Paul Mitchell, author of The Examen Book, looks at prayer as a way of letting go. In this Pop-Up Prayer interview, he also says...

Ruts in Prayer Life

Fr. Michael Rossmann, SJ, talks about how to get out of a rut in our prayer life by stretching ourselves through different prayer practices....

Praying Through Pain: A Webinar with Barbara Lee

It can be difficult to pray during times of suffering. Words simply may not come, and God may seem distant. Join award-winning author Barbara...

Emotions in Prayer

Vinita Hampton Wright, author of Small Simple Ways: An Ignatian Daybook for Healthy Spiritual Living, talks about the role of emotions in prayer in...

Imagining an Impatient Jesus

This story is inspired by the second reading for the Third Sunday of Advent (Cycle A), James 5:7–10. “Now?” “No, Jesus,” Mary said gently as she...

Poinsettias and Prayer

Many people enjoy decorating their homes or offices with poinsettias during the holiday season. Poinsettias, or flores de Nochebuena, are associated with Christmas on...

Praying Through Pain at Christmas

“Joy to the world!” the song rings out. But not everyone feels joyful at Christmas. Anyone who is sick, bereaved, lonely, or unemployed may...

Silent Night

I have always loved to sing the hymn “Silent Night.” It is so seared into my brain that I can’t help but hum it...

Understanding Jesus’ Human Experience

Fr. Joseph Tetlow, SJ, responds to the question, “What hints can you give us for understanding Jesus’ human experience through prayer?” He offers three pieces...

Nine Fallacies About Prayer and the Spiritual Life That St. Ignatius Debunks

Sometimes we make assumptions about prayer and the spiritual life that impede our attempts to connect with God. Often, these fallacies take root in...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon