HomeIgnatian Prayer

Ignatian Prayer

Listening to the Spirit

This story is inspired by Acts 8:26–40. I am Philip. The Holy Spirit has been giving me the free gift of paying attention, of staying...

Surprises as an Ignatian Writer

Becky Eldredge, Ignatian spiritual director, retreat facilitator, and author, is being honored with the Writer’s Award in Spirituality from the Loyola Institute for Spirituality....

Being Real in Prayer

Fr. Kevin O’Brien, SJ, tells us that God wants us to be real in prayer. In this episode of Pop-Up Prayer, O’Brien reminds us...

Brian Grogan, SJ, on Pedro Arrupe, SJ

Congratulations to Brian Grogan, SJ, for winning an Independent Press Award and an Illumination Book Awards Gold Medal for his biography of Pedro Arrupe,...

Fighting Nerves by Dancing with Jesus

I struggled to pray as my mind bounced from one distraction to another. The biggest distraction was preparations for a trip to El Salvador...

Prayer and the Second Week

This post is based on Week Four of An Ignatian Prayer Adventure. Fr. Joseph Tetlow, SJ, makes these key points in talking about prayer and...

A Lenten Journey Through the Stations of the Cross: A Webinar with Gary Jansen

How do we respond to suffering? How did Jesus? And what can we learn from the Passion for helping us in our day-to-day struggles?...

Going Head-to-Head with Jesus

St. Ignatius would direct people in prayer to imagine Jesus was sitting in a chair across the room and to speak to him as...

Seeing with the Heart: A Webinar with Kevin O’Brien, SJ

The Ignatian tradition offers valuable resources to those seeking meaning and purpose in today’s world. Whether we are steeped in a religious tradition or...

Not a Fisherman

This story is inspired by Matthew 4:18–22. I’m curious about this Jesus character. As an investigative journalist, I think he’d be a great story, so...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon