HomeIgnatian Prayer

Ignatian Prayer

Helps for Observing Advent

Advent begins on Sunday.  You might want to look at some of the very helpful material the team at Loyola Press has put together...

Some Definite Service

I've already mentioned The Ignatian Adventure by Kevin O'Brien, SJ. Sprinkled throughout are prayers and poems. I really liked this one from John Henry Cardinal...

Prayer Is Like . . .

Rick Malloy, SJ, on what prayer is and is not: Prayer is not a competition, or a "goal" oriented activity. To pray is to already...

Best Ignatian Songs: After the Storm

My daughter Laura turned me on to the British band Mumford and Sons. They're something special. "After the Storm" speaks of longing for God,...

The Powers in Created Things

This prayer by the Jesuit saint Robert Bellarmine puts a new spin on finding God on all things:What various powers lie hidden in plants!...

Pray for Those Who Persecute You

Walter Ciszek, SJ, spent fifteen years in prison in the Soviet Union for doing clandestine missionary work.  He describes his prayer:"Gradually too, I learned...

World Youth Day

Please keep the pilgrims at World Youth Day (WYD) in your prayers. I am at the Jesuit-run Colegio Nuestra Señora del Recuerdo with hundreds...

Ignatian Imagination

Among dictionary definitions of imagination, two fit Ignatius very well. One says that imagination is the ability to form a mental image of something...

Best Ignatian Songs: Spring and Fall: To a Young Child

Some time ago I featured the Natalie Merchant song "Wonder" in our occasional "Best Ignatian Songs" feature. Here is another. It's a...

Globalization of Superficiality

Fr. Adolfo Nicolás, Superior General of the Society of Jesus, spoke to Belgian Jesuits in September 2010 about a "globalization of superficiality," a result...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon