HomeIgnatian Prayer

Ignatian Prayer

Teach Me to Be Generous

A while back, I felt deflated when I discovered that the wonderful Prayer of St. Francis ("Lord, make me an instrument of your peace")...

Looking Back

As I write this post, my inbox is filling up with e-mails due to a dialogue with family members about various faith topics. What...

Lent-Easter Retreat Week 2

Week 2 of our Ignatian Prayer Adventure retreat begins today.  The theme of the week is "Finding God in All Things."Don't worry if you...

Our Essential Nature

Christian spirituality in general and Ignatian spirituality in particular operate from an overarching assumption. We believe that humanity has inherent purpose. That purpose fueled our...

An Ignatian Prayer Adventure Begins

An Ignatian Prayer Adventure begins today. Our focus for this first week of the retreat is “Love, Freedom, and Purpose.” We'll consider questions such...

For Lent, Try An Ignatian Prayer Adventure (Online Retreat)

What are you doing for Lent? Am I the first to ask?  Ash Wednesday is only two weeks from today--a date I've been keenly aware...

Welcome to the Jesuit Post

A bunch of young Jesuits launched a new website yesterday called The Jesuit Post.  Content will range very widely indeed.  The first batch of...

A Parent’s Creche

I came back from the Christmas break to find a link to this lovely reflection in my mailbox.  It's by Maureen McCann Waldron, who...

The Prayer of Imagination

Ruth Workman, a spiritual director,  describes how Ignatian prayer invigorated her prayer life: Next we were introduced to an Ignatian practice, a prayer of imagination....

Gratitude Exercises

Here are some exercises to heighten your sense of gratitude.  They were written by my friend Vinita Wright and published in her book Days...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon