HomeIgnatian Prayer

Ignatian Prayer

Best Ignatian Songs: The Weight of Lies

Here's a song to enjoy--and ponder.  “The Weight of Lies" by the folk-rock-bluegrass band The Avett Brothers is about the wages of self-delusion: "The weight...

Paying Attention

The other night I had some down time.  I was plugged-in: I channel-flipped between the Tigers-Yankees playoff game and the presidential debate, texted with...

Distractions in Prayer

Becky Eldredge and Paul Brian Campbell, SJ, sat down this summer for a conversation about Ignatian spirituality. In this video on distractions in prayer,...

How Indifferent Are You?

Ignatius really means it when he says that we need to be "indifferent to all created things."  In his Principle and Foundation at the...

Why Go to Church?

In this age when more and more people describe themselves as spiritual but not religious, it is helpful to recall Ignatius's understanding of the...

Prayer Lessons in Spin Class

Michael Rossmann, SJ, took up spinning to keep in shape during the winter. He lists 11 lessons he relearned while he rode his stationary...

Best Ignatian Songs: We Are Alive

My kids know I'm a big Bruce Springsteen fan, so I was pleased when my daughter Laura gave me his latest album, "Wrecking Ball." ...

Taking Offense

I tend to get angry when I encounter acrimony and incivility in discourse among Catholics.  Fr. Jim Martin, who has seen more of it...

The Contemplation on Divine Love

The final contemplation of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius is the Contemplation on Divine Love, or the Contemplation on the Love of God....

Good Friday Reflection

A few years ago, I wrote this poem on Good Friday, as I worked around the house and tried to consider Christ's Passion. I...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon