HomeIgnatian Prayer

Ignatian Prayer

A New Serenity Prayer

I have a friend who says that the basis of all true religion is believing that "There is a God and I'm not him."...

I Love This Picture

I love it because you saw something. No: rather, something invited your gaze to linger and see beauty,And you paused long enough to catch this...

Best Ignatian Songs: Tears of God

Much of the music from the rock-blues-R&B band Los Lobos derives from Mexican Catholic culture.  Check out the picture of Our Lady of Guadalupe...

Love and Grace

Each day I try to ask God for something I need. Some days I know just what I need; it requires only a few...

Best Ignatian Songs: “Immanuel”

Here's a New Year's proclamation--a great song by Michael Card sung by school children in Chester Cathedral in the UK.  

Mary and Joseph Together

Why should Mary and Joseph stand together in Christmas art rather than face each other? Because they are hanging on to each other for...

Best Ignatian Songs: "Comfort, Comfort, O My People"

"Comfort, Comfort, O My People" is a lovely Advent hymn, based on verses from Isaiah 40.  This version is by the Ignatian Schola, a...

Best Ignatian Songs: "O Come O Come Emmanuel"

It's early December, winter, cold mornings and barren landscapes and leaden skies. It's the time of Advent--the season of longing for the light of Christ...

A Litany of Gifts

I love Thanksgiving.  It's less hectic than Christmas, and it's mainly about enjoying family and friends (food too, of course).  A few years ago,...

Praying with Art

Some new age philosophies say that the five senses are the tip of the iceberg and that there are deeper realities beyond our bodily...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon