HomeIgnatian Prayer

Ignatian Prayer

Best Ignatian Songs: Anima Christi

Here is a beautiful choral setting of the Anima Christi, the prayer that Ignatius placed at the beginning of the Spiritual Exercises. This is...

Best Ignatian Songs: You Are My Vision

Discerning reader Andrew nominated the classic hymn "Be Thou my Vision" as a Best Ignatian Song. You'll probably recognize it. I've sung it in...

Puttering Prayer

The rhythm of my prayer life is always interesting to watch: the ebb and flow of rich, fruitful prayer that at times transforms to...

The Calling of St. Matthew

Caravaggio's painting The Calling of St. Matthew is a great work of art that captures the truth of a great Ignatian theme—the power of...

The Earthen Vessel

Ignatian contemplation is most often associated with praying imaginatively with a scene from the Gospels, but I also find praying with particular simple images...

Best Ignatian Songs: The Wings of a Dove

There's a real tear-jerker scene in the movie Tender Mercies when Mac Sledge's estranged daughter asks him to sing the song "The Wings of...

Fr. Nicolás on Silence

The prospect of becoming a "contemplative in action" is one of the most appealing features of Ignatian spirituality. I like what Fr. Adolfo Nicolás,...

The Pope's Baseball Imagery

Pope Francis says that we should be tenacious and creative in prayer--and he's used baseball lingo to make his point.At a recent daily Mass,...

Best Ignatian Songs: Picture of Jesus

A few weeks ago I promised to pick a gospel song for our Best Ignatian Songs feature.  Here's a good one: "Picture of Jesus,"...

Taking the Time

I recently saw a demonstration of lacemaking. My first thought: I greatly admire the people who engage in this painstaking craft. My second thought:...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon