HomeIgnatian Prayer

Ignatian Prayer

All Saints Day

"Everything in God's universe is present-tense. Divine love transcends time and place. So it's never really too late to pray for a person or...

Best Ignatian Songs: Mercy Now

I recently discovered the haunting ballad "Mercy Now" by the roots singer-songwriter Mary Gauthier. It's a lovely, heartfelt prayer: Yeah, we all could use a...

Jesuit Prayer App

I've just discovered a fine app that delivers daily Ignatian reflections and prayer to your mobile device.  The Jesuit Prayer app also gives you...

Autumn Times of Prayer

Colorful foliage is at the heart of autumn where I live. In a good year with plenty of rain the past spring and summer,...

Best Ignatian Songs: Annie's Song

This Best Ignatian Song comes from Kristi Gonsalves-McCabe, director of University Ministry at Regis University in Denver. She writes: I've lived in Colorado for 9 years...

Should We Proselytize?

The latest of the now-weekly bombshells to emerge from the Holy See is an interview that Pope Francis gave to the influential atheist founder...

Healing the Wounds

In his recent interview, Pope Francis said, “Christian hope”¦is a theological virtue and therefore, ultimately, a gift from God.” As I read those words, I...


The third installment of Tim and Sue Muldoon's series on "Why Children Need Ignatian Spirituality" is about the power of stories. Ignatius wanted people...

Pope Francis on Prayer

America Magazine, along with La Civiltà  Cattolica and other Jesuit publications around the world, has published an interview with Pope Francis, well worth the...

Best Ignatian Songs: Holy Darkness

Reader Nancy Walton-House nominates this week's Best Ignatian Song. It's a lovely piece: “Holy Darkness" by Dan Schutte, one of the St. Louis Jesuits....


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon