HomeIgnatian Prayer

Ignatian Prayer

Arts & Faith: Lent—Fifth Sunday Imaginative Prayer Exercise

Each week of Lent, we’ll provide an Ignatian prayer for you, inspired by a video from Arts & Faith: Lent. The video and prayer...

Un-Prayed-For Answers

A friend of mine is one of those people who is always cheerful and positive even though it seems as though she encounters more...

The Ignatian Workout for Lent Retreat: Fourth Week of Lent

The story of Jesus calming the storm is the starting point this week in the Ignatian Workout for Lent. Listen to Tim Muldoon’s reflection...

Arts & Faith: Lent—Fourth Sunday Imaginative Prayer Exercise

Each week of Lent, we’ll provide an Ignatian prayer for you, inspired by a video from Arts & Faith: Lent. The video and prayer...

Stories from the Gospel of John (Scrutiny Sundays)

On the third, fourth, and fifth Sundays of Lent, we hear three stories from the Gospel of John—the Woman at the Well, the Man...

Pope Francis’s Message of Mercy

In The Church of Mercy by Pope Francis, readers get a first-hand look at the pope's vision of the good news of Christian hope...

The Ignatian Workout for Lent Retreat: Third Week of Lent

In John’s Gospel, Jesus begins his public ministry with the miracle of changing water into wine. Why does he choose this action, rather than...

Arts & Faith: Lent—Third Sunday Imaginative Prayer Exercise

Each week of Lent, we’ll provide an Ignatian prayer for you, inspired by a video from Arts & Faith: Lent. The video and prayer...

Imaginative Contemplation with Pray-as-You-Go

Pray-as-You-Go has released the second in a planned series of imaginative contemplation exercises. Listen to it below; it’s the story of the woman with...

The Ignatian Workout for Lent Retreat: Second Week of Lent

In this week’s Ignatian Workout for Lent exercise, we consider the theme “The Sick Need a Doctor.” Listen to Tim Muldoon’s reflection below. If...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon