HomeIgnatian Prayer

Ignatian Prayer

When St. Ignatius and John Legend Mash-up

For the last week, I’ve had a mash-up of St. Ignatius and R&B singer John Legend stuck in my ear. The Suscipe— “Whatsoever I...

New Eyes of Gratitude, Grace, and Freedom

Recently a post written by Glennon Doyle Melton at her blog Momastery spread like wildfire through my Facebook newsfeed. The post, “Give Me Gratitude...

Who Am I? Meditation

Blogger Andy Otto has released a new audio meditation on his God in All Things site. He introduces it this way: Who am I? Who...

Glowing with Joy

This past month my wife Sarah made a five-day Ignatian retreat. When she returned it had felt like I hadn’t seen her in weeks,...

Responding to Violence

We know that there is too much violence in the world. While he may not have answers for curbing the violence, Jason Downer, SJ,...

Anxiety vs. Delight

Greg Boyle, SJ, says, “Anxiety happens when we’ve forgotten to delight in the present moment.” Watch this video for an explanation of what he...

Imaginative Contemplation: Jesus Walks on Water

Pray as You Go has released the latest in a series of imaginative contemplation exercises. Pray with the story of Jesus walking on water...

10 Secrets to Happiness According to Pope Francis

In a recent interview, Pope Francis shared ten secrets to happiness. The complete list is here. Number four on the list is: “A healthy sense of...

Encountering God in Prison and on Retreat

Yesterday we shared a few submissions from Ignatian bloggers on where they encountered God in unexpected situations. Today we are happy to share two...

Encountering God in the Unexpected

We asked a few readers to share with us where they encountered God in the unexpected. Today and tomorrow we highlight their responses. I Found...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon