HomeIgnatian Prayer

Ignatian Prayer

Arts & Faith: Lent—Second Sunday Imaginative Prayer Exercise

Each week of Lent, we’ll provide an Ignatian prayer for you, inspired by a video from Arts & Faith: Lent. The video and prayer...

The Importance of Authenticity

At The Jesuit Post, Keith Maczkiewicz, SJ, writes about “Critique and Authenticity: When the Ideal Obscures the Good.” He relates a story of a...

Arts & Faith: Lent—First Sunday Imaginative Prayer Exercise

Each week of Lent, we’ll provide an Ignatian prayer for you, inspired by a video from Arts & Faith: Lent. The video and prayer...

Pope’s Message for Lent

In his message for Lent 2015, Pope Francis warns against “a globalization of indifference.” He says: Indifference to our neighbour and to God also represents...

Arts & Faith: Lent—Ash Wednesday Imaginative Prayer Exercise

Each week of Lent, we’ll provide an Ignatian prayer for you, inspired by a video from Arts & Faith: Lent. The video and prayer for...

Repetition in Prayer

Repetition is the return to a previous period of prayer for the purpose of allowing the movements of God to deepen within the heart....

Using Imagination to Learn to Let Go

At CatholicMom.com, Susan Bailey wonders, “How can we hope to forget what we can’t forgive? How can we learn to let go of those...

Imaginative Prayer: Breakfast on the Beach

This imaginative prayer exercise is based on John 21:1–14, the story of the risen Christ’s appearance to the disciples at the Sea of Tiberias. You...

How Coffee Can Wake Up the Spiritual

At God in All Things, Jacqueline Shrader writes about the Theology of Coffee. Ignatian spirituality suggests invoking our senses and imagination to encounter God and...

Please and Our Relationships

Most of us don’t think about the word please much in our daily interactions with colleagues, family, or friends. But Randy Roche, SJ, took some...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon