HomeIgnatian Prayer

Ignatian Prayer

Competitive Spirit

How strong is your competitive spirit? Garrett Gundlach, SJ, considers trophy collections and a recent cut-throat board game night. “Don’t let the perfect be the...

One Word at a Time

The interior of the church* looked like it had been torn from the pages of Isaiah, “I lay your pavements in carnelians, your foundations...

A Morning Offering

While on retreat this past summer, I spent a good deal of time praying for the grace of indifference and asking for the freedom...

Finding God in Amsterdam

Jim Corkery, SJ, is a member of the Irish Jesuit Province and teaches theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome. He recently joined...

Not Many Things But Much

A Latin proverb adds a spiritual dimension to the point: non multa sed multum, or “not many things but much.” Jesuits didn’t coin that...

The Transfiguration

Let us look at the Transfiguration (Mark 9:2–8) with its obvious reference to the baptism of Jesus in the Jordan (Mark 1:9). At the...

The People for Others That Inspire Me

In 1973, Pedro Arrupe, SJ, changed my life. (I was four years old at the time, toddling around a backyard on the other side...

The Power of Silent Prayer

For years I’ve been trying to master the art of silent prayer. Sometimes my attempts find me staring at my shoes, thinking about the...

A Belatedly Grateful Leper

This story is inspired by Luke 17:11–19, the cleansing of ten lepers, and illustrates two aspects of Ignatian spirituality: imaginative prayer and gratitude. We’re camped...

Composition of Place on My Patio

As the weather improves and we bid farewell to what always feels like a long, cold winter, the backyard patio quickly becomes the most...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon