HomeIgnatian Prayer

Ignatian Prayer

The Dust Storm in Prayer

Have you ever felt like you are caught in a dust storm in prayer, where there is so much swirling around you that you...

The Rich Young Man and the Look of Love

This story is inspired by Mark 10:17–22, Jesus and the rich man.I had to walk away. Was he kidding? No way could I give...

Prayer Is the Sharing of Presence

When I spend time with a friend, I want that person’s presence. After a while, a phone call or an e-mail just isn’t good...

No Time for God?

Most of us complain of being busy, at least on occasion. It can be challenging to take care of the daily tasks and responsibilities,...

No Excuse for a Closed Heart

Another question I ask: in the evening, how do you conclude your day? With the Lord or in front of the television? How is...

Competitive Spirit

How strong is your competitive spirit? Garrett Gundlach, SJ, considers trophy collections and a recent cut-throat board game night. “Don’t let the perfect be the...

One Word at a Time

The interior of the church* looked like it had been torn from the pages of Isaiah, “I lay your pavements in carnelians, your foundations...

A Morning Offering

While on retreat this past summer, I spent a good deal of time praying for the grace of indifference and asking for the freedom...

Finding God in Amsterdam

Jim Corkery, SJ, is a member of the Irish Jesuit Province and teaches theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome. He recently joined...

Not Many Things But Much

A Latin proverb adds a spiritual dimension to the point: non multa sed multum, or “not many things but much.” Jesuits didn’t coin that...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon