HomeIgnatian Prayer

Ignatian Prayer

Arts & Faith: Lent—First Sunday Imaginative Prayer Exercise

Each week of Lent, we’ll provide an Ignatian prayer for you, inspired by a video from Arts & Faith: Lent. The video and prayer for...

Pope’s Message for Lent

Pope Francis wants that “the season of Lent in this Jubilee Year be lived more intensely as a privileged moment to celebrate and experience...

Arts & Faith: Lent—Ash Wednesday Imaginative Prayer Exercise

Each week of Lent, we’ll provide an Ignatian prayer for you, inspired by a video from Arts & Faith: Lent. The video and prayer for...

To Be a Contemplative

Creighton University’s Division of Mission and Ministry produced a video explaining a bit about Ignatian contemplation and then leading the viewer in an experience...

God Looks at Me

While reading Pope Francis’ book, The Church of Mercy, I stopped in my tracks. He asks, “Do you let yourself be looked at by...

Intergenerational Socializing

Ashley McKinless, associate editor of America, reflects on intergenerational socializing and her recent pilgrimage in “Pathfinding in Spain.” It’s worth reading the full article,...

Babies as a Prayer Trigger

Grace Mazza Urbanski is the Director of Children’s Ministry for the U.S. National Office of the Apostleship of Prayer, and she finds that noisy...

The Burning Babe

St. Robert Southwell, SJ, wrote a poem called “The Burning Babe,” describing a vision of Christ on Christmas Day. Here the poem is set...

Arts & Faith: Christmas Imaginative Prayer Exercise

Each week of Advent, we’ve provided an Ignatian prayer for you, inspired by a video from Arts & Faith: Advent. Today we share the...

Arts & Faith: Advent—Fourth Sunday Imaginative Prayer Exercise

Each week of Advent, we’ll provide an Ignatian prayer for you, inspired by a video from Arts & Faith: Advent. The video and prayer for...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon