HomeIgnatian Prayer

Ignatian Prayer

Lowney and Leadership

Sean Salai, SJ, interviewed author Chris Lowney about Ignatian leadership. Lowney, whose books include Heroic Leadership and Pope Francis: Why He Leads the Way...

Take, Lord, Receive, My Work and Career

I work in an office where the pace is breakneck speed. I pray during my morning commute, but pride kicks in as I park:...

Why Celebrate Labor Day

Joe Simmons, SJ, shares 32 Reasons to Celebrate Labor Day. Read the entire list over at The Jesuit Post, but here’s a sampling to...

The Brain, Silly Putty, and Prayer

After reading a scientific essay about the brain, Jim McDermott writes in America: Because here’s the other crazy-cool thing about the brain: it’s like Silly...

Joseph Tetlow on Prayer

Joseph Tetlow, SJ, is one of the Jesuits' leading authorities on spiritual direction. For years he worked in Rome as head of the Society's...

The I-Want-It-So-Badly Virus

Sometimes we’re driven by the I-want-it-so-badly virus: I so wanted to get to the top of the company, or to attract that attractive person,...

Finding God in the Soundtrack of Life

I once read that the music we listen to becomes the soundtrack of our life. I just love that sentiment! As in a movie...

Listening on the Sea of Galilee

Last year I was on a boat with 50 people on the Sea of Galilee. Admittedly, this makes praying pretty easy. Our joke during...

Application of the Senses

St. Ignatius suggests that we can pray about our senses the way we pray about keeping the Commandments (Spiritual Exercises 247). More characteristically, he...

Saturday Link for 31 Days with St. Ignatius

It’s day 9 of our 31-day journey in Ignatian spirituality. Today we share the excerpt Repetition in Prayer from Love: A Guide for Prayer...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon