HomeIgnatian Prayer

Ignatian Prayer

Joy and Mission

Jesus is not a lone missionary; he does not want to fulfill his mission alone but involves his disciples. In addition to the twelve...


Marquette Magazine shares a “reminder to notice” by Garrett Gundlach, SJ. I don’t think we ever need permission to share with each other or to...

The Prayer of Consideration

Jesus used the familiar world around him to teach people about God. He invited people to consider the sparrows (Matthew 6:26), or the mustard...

Appreciating Emmaus

There’s much to appreciate in the story of the disciples on the way to Emmaus, says Michael Sparough, SJ. For one: It’s in looking back...

Your Rod and Your Staff

I love the 23rd Psalm. And lately, I’ve been thinking a great deal about the verse mentioning the rod and the staff. I see myself...

Tasting the Breeze

I was recently asked how we can “turn down the noise” in our lives so we can better notice God around us. What I...

What Makes You Hesitate?

I often revisit Ignatius’s reflections on the Resurrection in the Fourth Week of the Spiritual Exercises at this time of year. This year, I...

Christ Has Risen!

In this Easter season, Christ has risen in our churches, homes, communities, and workplaces. All of creation is illuminated by the new dawn brightening...

3-Minute Retreat: The Lord’s Supper

On this Holy Thursday, enjoy a special 3-Minute Retreat: The Lord’s Supper. Read the words of the prayer below or pray with the full...

Were You There?

To help us when contemplating the Passion of Christ, St. Ignatius Loyola “invites us to enter into this scene imaginatively, to place ourselves in...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon