HomeIgnatian Prayer

Ignatian Prayer

Tasting the Breeze

I was recently asked how we can “turn down the noise” in our lives so we can better notice God around us. What I...

What Makes You Hesitate?

I often revisit Ignatius’s reflections on the Resurrection in the Fourth Week of the Spiritual Exercises at this time of year. This year, I...

Christ Has Risen!

In this Easter season, Christ has risen in our churches, homes, communities, and workplaces. All of creation is illuminated by the new dawn brightening...

3-Minute Retreat: The Lord’s Supper

On this Holy Thursday, enjoy a special 3-Minute Retreat: The Lord’s Supper. Read the words of the prayer below or pray with the full...

Were You There?

To help us when contemplating the Passion of Christ, St. Ignatius Loyola “invites us to enter into this scene imaginatively, to place ourselves in...

Finding God Through Humor

April is National Humor Month, so that provides a reason to notice that God can be found through humor and laughter too, as these...

The Consequences of Seeing

This story is inspired by John 9:1–41, the healing of the man born blind, and Mark 10:46–52, the healing of Bartimaeus. Bartimaeus and I talked...

8 Pope Francis Quotes to Celebrate His Anniversary

Today, March 13, we celebrate Pope Francis’s fourth anniversary. To honor the occasion, enjoy some of his inspiring and challenging words. “When we receive...

Applying the Examen to Praying the Stations of the Cross

In a National Review interview with Kathryn Jean Lopez about his new book Station to Station: An Ignatian Journey through the Stations of the...

Busy Lives & Restless Souls Free Mini-Posters

“The invitation to connect your faith with your daily life is an invitation God urges all of us to accept. All of us are...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon