HomeIgnatian Prayer

Ignatian Prayer

Light and Contemplation

You might spend time outside on a sunny day, seeing the sunlight illuminating everything, feeling its warmth on your body, and imagining how God...

Joseph of Arimathea and Burying the Dead

In honor of the feast of St. Joseph of Arimathea on August 31, we share this reflection based on Luke 23:50–53. Joseph didn’t witness the...

Praying in Dry Seasons of Life

Our prayer lives go through cycles like the seasons of the year. We cycle through spring-like seasons of new life or summer-like seasons of...

Three Pilgrimage Experiences

St. Ignatius referred to himself as a pilgrim, and many followers of the Ignatian way have used special times of pilgrimage to encounter God...

Praying with St. Ignatius

July 31 is the feast day of St. Ignatius Loyola, founder of the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits), and a man whose life was...

Praying When in Consolation

Don’t you love praying when it’s easy to show up to prayer? Or when you feel God’s presence during your prayer? During a season...

Praying When Your Routine Changes

Summer’s here! As a mom, I love summer because of the slower routine in the morning, the lack of homework and projects, and a...

Forced Stillness

Jesuit Volunteer Grace Ogihara was forced into stillness because of neck and back pain one weekend. She writes: Though I otherwise would’ve been outside traipsing...

Take Inventory of Your Spaces

There’s a reason the Christian world, whether in a small Midwestern town in the U.S. or on the streets of Rome, is dotted with...

Lay It Out Before God

Scott Santarosa, SJ, talks about prayer in a short video produced by the Society of Jesus. He says: When things are getting rough or busy,...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon