HomeIgnatian Prayer

Ignatian Prayer

You Have Called Me by Name

Oh, Lord my God, You called me from the sleep of nothingness merely because in your tremendous love you want to make good and beautiful beings. You have...

What If the Answer Is No?

What if God’s answer to one of our prayers is “no”? We are given this answer at times. Sometimes when we are told “no”...

An Imaginative Reflection on the Crucifixion

When we heard that Jesus had been arrested, I went with Mary to help her through this terrible time. She had a premonition that...

An Examination of My Use of Time

Killing Time How do I kill time? Let me count the ways. By worrying about things over which I have no control. Like the past. Like the future. By harboring resentment and...

Colloquy: Conversing with God

What is a colloquy? I’ll let Kevin O’Brien, SJ, explain: A colloquy is an intimate conversation between you and God the Father, between you and...

Praying Through the Pain

Anyone who has ever tried to read the Bible or use a popular prayer app while recovering from surgery or undergoing chemotherapy can describe...

A Person Made of Light

Suppose there were a reality faster than light, so superenergized that it would be at rest, everywhere at once. Every object we see—though it...

A Certain Place

The room where I quilt, the arms of my husband, and sitting in my inherited wingback chair are some of my favorite places. Jesus was...

Asking for What We Want

I don’t remember being encouraged to ask God for what I wanted, back when my faith was being formed in my childhood and teen—and...

Make Today Matter Blog Hop

How can small things done every day change us for the better and make the world better too? Author and leadership speaker Chris Lowney...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon