HomeIgnatian Prayer

Ignatian Prayer

Listening for God Through Our Imaginations

It never ceases to amaze me the abundant number of ways God speaks to us. I still remember the surprise of learning that not...

Walking with Mary

Two travelers are on a road in the hill country. One is Mary, who’s thinking: “I’m so excited! The Messiah is coming! I feel...

God with Us in the Word

Becky Eldredge, author of Busy Lives & Restless Souls, recently shared a post on Listening for God in Scripture, in which she suggested praying...

Advent Inspiration

As we reach the midpoint of this First Week of Advent, here are a few articles from the dotMagis archives to inspire you this...

Listening for God in Scripture

Recently, I made my annual silent retreat: eight days of listening for God in nature and also of God meeting me in Scripture. Each...

Prayer for Humility

Let me have too deep a sense of humor ever to be proud. Let me know my absurdity before I act absurdly. Let me realize that...

God's Intimate Presence

Prayer is a matter of relationship. Intimacy is the basic issue, not answers to problems or resolutions “to be better.” Many of life’s problems...

Imaginative Prayer: Lunch with Christ

As a child I felt God’s presence strongly. I remember digging in my sandbox with Jesus or reading a picture book with him. It...

God Right Here

This story is inspired by Matthew 14:22, following the feeding of the five thousand. Jesus made me get into the boat with the other disciples....

Shhh . . . God Is in the Silence

Loyola Press has just published the children’s book, Shhh . . . God Is in the Silence, by Fiona Basile and illustrated by Alice...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon